Science, technologies, innovations (STI) № 2(2) 2017, 16-28 p


Huseinova A.D. — Doctor of Science in Economics, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Department of Information Economy and Technology, Azerbaijan, Baku, 135, Aliyeva Str., AZ1073; +(994) 55-785-35-36;

Shukurova A.S. — PhD in Economics, ASEU, Department of Business Management, Azerbaijan, Baku, 135, Aliyeva Str., AZ1073; +(994) 55-577-61-09;

Huseinli A.T. — PhD in Economics, ASEU, Department of Business Management, Azerbaijan, Baku, 135, Aliyeva Str., AZ1073; +(994) 51-599-81-18;


Abstract. Prospects of the future socio-economic development of the Azerbaijan Republic directly the organization of innovative activity in the country and improving the efficiency of management depend on the solution of problems. In accordance with it, recently for making analysis focused on innovation potential in our republic and to identify factors that impede to technical and technological development, a comprehensive study of foreign experience is directed to the increasing efficiency of the national innovation system (NIS) of our country. The aim of the article are intensive development of innovation-oriented economy in Azerbaijan, increasing its competitiveness and ensuring to strengthen the position of country in the international arena the essence of the innovation potential in the innovation process, determination of the content and the formation of the modern trends, development of effective methods and mechanisms of management system of innovation process.

Keywords: innovation potential, national innovation system, innovation activity, innovation, indicator system.

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