Science technology innovation (STI) №3(3) 2017, 30-39 p


Androshchuk H. O. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Chief Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Legal Support of Science and Technology Research Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Intellectual Property, 11, Kazуmirа Malevуchа Str., Bldg. 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 200-08-76;


Abstract. On the basis of consolidated indicators of the Global Innovation Index for 2017, the dynamics of innovation activity on an international scale are considered, a comparative analysis was carried out, relative advantages and weak links of national innovation systems were determined, the place of Ukraine, the state of innovation activity were determined. According to the Global Innovation Index, Ukraine has achieved the government’s task — 50th place. The number of investments into innovative companies in 2016 increased by 32%. Ukrainian companies have attracted more than $ 400 million. The estimation of progress in achieving the set goals, the processes that stimulate and restrain innovations, the measures of the innovation policy of the government, regions, ministries and departments on the regulation of innovative economic development are proposed. It is concluded that Ukraine, having a rather high level of research and development and inventive activity, has low positions in the level of commercialization and protection of intellectual property objects. To transform scientific and technological advances into a competitive science and technology product, the development of the whole infrastructure of the intellectual property market, the completion of the formation of the national inn

Keywords: innovations, innovation activity, national innovation system, global innovation index, indicator, intellectual property, infrastructure, rating.

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