Science, technologies, innovations (STI) № 1(1) 2017, 13-20 р


Parkhomenko O. V. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of Kyiv National Economics University named after V. Hetman, 54/1, Peremogy Av., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (061) 220-95-85;

Parkhomenko V. D. — Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Senior Researcher of Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, 180, Antonovichа Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044)521-00-50;


Abstract. The modern socio-economic development aimed at the usage of intellectual labor, which is based on information and knowledge, man and society. Within the theoretical and economic analysis, it is defined that information and knowledge are instrumental in the formation of the postindustrial economy. The interaction of the system which is predicated on information, people and knowledge with the system which is predicated on society and man, forms the scientific and the methodological basis for the innovative development of the postindustrial economy. Synergy is the foundation of natural and social creative processes. The article shows the applicability of the systemic approach to understanding the inside interconnection between information-category and knowledge-category. It is examined the interdependence between “the individual autonomy” and simultaneous “the affiliation with the entire” while passing the definite stages of development. It is suggested a new paradigm of modern social and economic development, which consists of six interrelated levels.

Keywords: system, the innovative development, information, knowledge, synergy, individual and social information, society, postindustrial economy, paradigm.


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