Science technology innovation №4(8) 2018, 27-35 p


Kvasha T. K. — head of department, Ukrainian institute of scientific and technical expertise and information, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-26;

Paladchenko O. F. — head of sector, UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-80;

Molchanova I. V. — Senior Research, UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-80;


Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of how budget funds manager’s implemented medium-term priority directions of innovation activity at the national level in Ukraine. The main problems and ways to solve them for the possible use of the results of the study in identifying and adjusting priority areas of innovation are identified. The results of the study indicate that in 2017 out of 41 approved for 2017–2021 medium-term priorities were financed 82.9% (in 2016 — 71.7%) for all strategic priorities. Most of the budget funds were allocated for medium-term priorities for strategic priority 4 “Technological renewal and development of the agro-industrial complex” (72.1%), least of all for priority 5 “Introduction of new technologies and equipment for high-quality medical care, treatment, pharmaceuticals” (0.6%). In 2017 compared to 2016, there was an increase in the financing of medium-term priorities in four strategic areas: new substances and materials — 187.3%, AIC — 127.4%, environmental protection — 165.6%, and the ICT sector — in 4.3% times, which indicates the intensification of innovation in these areas. Expenditures on medium-term priorities were made at the expense of the total (0.7%) and special (99.3%) funds by three budget managers: Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, and in 2016 only at the expense of a special fund. It is revealed that the main problem of financial support for medium-term priorities is the insufficient use of government orders, innovative projects and government targeted programs. To overcome this problem, it was proposed to annually take into account medium-term priorities when placing orders at the expense of the state budget and developing state target programs for the relevant year, as provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On Priority Areas of Innovation Activities in Ukraine”.

Keywords: financial support, budget financing, innovation activity, priority directions, medium-term priorities, problems.

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