Kuranda T. K. — Head of Department of Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical Expertise and Information, 180, Antonovуcha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-02; kuranda@uintei.kiev.ua
Kochetkova O. P. — Head of Section of UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovуcha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-29; kochetkova@uintei.kiev.ua
Osadcha A. B. — Senior Researcher of UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovуcha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-29; osadcha@ukrintei.ua
Abstract. The article analyzes the state of financial support of scientific research and development in the leading countries of the world according to information from foreign sources and Ukraine according to the monitoring of the implementation of priority directions of science and technology development.
Keywords: scientific research and development, priority direction, financial support, monitoring, scientific and technical products.
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