Parkhomenko O. V. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of Kyiv National Economics University named after V. Hetman, 54/1, Peremogy Av., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (061) 220-95-85;
Parkhomenko V. D. — Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Adviser of Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, 180, Antonovichа Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044)521-00-45;
Abstract. When the information and knowledge paradigm of civilizational development is being formed, the problem of a person’s place in the modern world arises. The solution of the problem reveals the peculiarities of the present state of mankind and the prospects for self-knowledge of man. The era of information and knowledge poses many challenges and challenges tasks for a person. Solution of Solving the issues will lead to fundamental changes in the era. Personal needs are will be reoriented from materialones to spiritual and informational and knowledgeable ones. In the article a person is considered as a component of nature. He is forced to act in accordance compliance with the laws of nature. Therefore, the main is a system in which a person is simultaneously considered as an individual, social, natural object. Nature has made a person unique. Like nature, society monitors and reacts to the behavior of each of us. Nature is the environment of human life. Nature is the only source from which the person derives everything necessary for his existence. Within the framework of theoretical and economic analysis, the leading role of a person and his characteristic features is are determined in the context of an informational and knowledgeable paradigm of life activity.
Keywords: information, knowledge, man, laws of nature, consciousness, paradigm, model, civilizational.
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