Rahimli Gunel — PhD students of the Institute for Scientific Research on Economic Reforms (ISRER) Ministry of Economy of the Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan, AZ1011, Baku, 88a, H. Zardabi Av.; gunel.rahimli.k@gmail.com
Abstract. The proposed work is devoted to investigation of the infrastructure features, which development is a major part of one of the goals defined by the Strategy of economic and social development of Azerbaijan up to 2030s. The article contains the main approaches to this concept within the frameworks of the national economy, it also discloses the content of the concepts of sustainable development and infrastructure, as well as describes the functions of social infrastructure and briefly describes the current state of the social infrastructure of Azerbaijan. It is considered not only the development of the social infrastructure, but also its ability to provide for itself financially. Attention is paid to the shortcomings in the functioning of infrastructure facilities, in particular regarding the distribution of financial resources and the subordination of facilities to various departments.
Keywords: sustainable development, infrastructure, social infrastructure, Azerbaijan.
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