Fedulova S. O. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, 8, Haharin Av., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005; +38 (0562) 47-46-70; sveta_fedulova@ukr.net
Abstract. The article has been examined the efficiency of investment in the sphere of centralized water supply and water disposal. The activities of water supply and water disposal enterprises, taking into account the innovationinvestment model of development and within the framework of the Concept of Sustainable Development, require considerable money. The objectives of the study were to identify the patterns of the formation of regional infrastructure, namely, the functioning of its engineering and technical component and the study of the effectiveness of investment in the development of centralized water supply and
water disposal. The main reason for the low efficiency of Ukrainian water supply and water disposal is the technological obsolescence caused by the long “investment pause” for the entire national economy, the protracted nature of which has intensified for water enterprises due to imperfect pricing for centralized water supply and water disposal services, which delays cooperation between the municipal and the private sector. One of the mechanisms for raising funds in the public sector is public-private partnership (PPP). Today PPP is one of the effective ways of raising funds for reconstruction, modernization and construction of facilities, including in the sphere of housing and communal services. PPP is a new model of interaction between business and government, which fundamentally changes the usual “rules of the game”, as it allows you to create projects with value simultaneously for three parties and opens new opportunities both for business and for government and for society. In the regions of Ukraine, the need for public-private partnership occurs in infrastructure projects proposed by the authorities. Regions are in dire need of large-scale modernization of the water supply and water disposal sector. Any infrastructure projects, whether construction of a highway or a hospital, have long payback periods and a significant capital intensity, therefore, traditionally, they are the objects of state financing because of their unattractiveness for a private investor. The growing awareness in the whole world of the need to infuse huge funds into the infrastructure of cities and regions, as well as the awareness of the insufficiency of budget investments, compel states to look for alternative mechanisms for financing meaningful infrastructure facilities with the involvement of private capital.
Keywords: investment activity, engineering and technical infrastructure, water supply, water disposal, publicprivate partnership.
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