Prudka O. V. — Senior Researcher of Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, 180, Antonovуcha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-09-67;; ORCID:
Abstract. The main factor of sustainable economic growth at the moment is competitiveness, based on the innovative activity of the business. The development of the national economy is increasingly determined by the updating of technologies; the development of new markets and organizational innovations (institutional innovations). Since the implementation of this program requires the development of mechanisms and tools to support the innovation activities of economic entities on the part of the state, it is necessary to study successful international experience. Especially valuable is the analysis of the experience of the development of organizational innovations, the use of which allows a significant advance in the field of innovation and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the real sector of the economy and the national economy as a whole. The article shows that at present, China has developed and implemented a large number of official documents and regulations that determine the main directions of innovative development of industry; it was demonstrated that in order to ensure sustainable growth of the economy on the basis of creating favorable conditions for innovation and investment activity of enterprises, it is necessary to find effective tools to stimulate it; state assistance in mobilizing investment resources in innovative projects; the development of programs to support innovation activities of individual industries and regions.
Keywords: China, innovation activity, state support, technology parks, preferential treatment, high technology zone.
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