Science, Technologies, Innovations №2(30) 2024, 43-49 р

Tardaskina T. M. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Management and Marketing, State University of Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunication, 4, Botanichnyi Ave, Odesa, Ukraine, 65058; +38 (093) 952-22-44;; ORCID: 0000-0003-3818-7029


Abstract. The publication examines the influence of artificial intelligence on the marketing activities of digital economy enterprises. Artificial intelligence, with its ability to efficiently analyze large amounts of data, identify trends and make accurate predictions, is becoming an integral component for developing and implementing successful marketing strategies.
Using artificial intelligence in marketing allows businesses to optimize their strategies, improve customer interactions, and improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. The main areas of use of artificial intelligence include data analysis, content personalization, the use of chat-bots and automated interaction with customers, analytics and forecasting, optimization and personalization of advertising campaigns, social network analysis and email marketing. The analyzed areas of use of artificial intelligence allow enterprises to create personalized marketing strategies, effectively use data and automate processes, which leads to increased competitiveness and successful adaptation to the requirements of the digital era. Artificial intelligence tools are proposed that are advisable for marketers to use for creating text, creating images, editing video and audio, for analytics and SEO optimization. AI tools will help marketers make better use of data, automate processes, and make consistent decisions in shaping and improving marketing strategies. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize marketing activities by making them more effective, personalized and emotionally engaged, so it is important for businesses to be prepared to use AI tools to their full potential.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, marketing, tools, digital economy, marketing strategy, trends.


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