Science technology innovation (STI) №3(3) 2017, 3-12 p


Hruzdova T.V. — Junior Researcher, Institute of Economics and Forecasting, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 26, Panas Mirnyi Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011; +38 (044) 280-82-72; +38 (093) 552-17-41;


Abstract. In developed and developing countries current state in the field of biotechnology are aimed to solving global socio-economic problems, including the development of innovative biopharmaceuticals and medical equipment for the diagnosis and improvement of human health, metabolic engineering for the
production of sustainable fuels and chemicals, biotechnology for the protection of crops, etc. Promotion of biotechnology as a successful industry poses many challenges in terms of high research and development costs, inadequate state regulation, lack of scientific resources and skilled personnel, as well as security and protection of intellectual property. In this context, public-private partnership is one of the tools which complement scarce public resources, create a competitive environment and contribute to efficiency increase and cost reduction. To solve these problems, author proposed the directions of state initiatives for activating the public-private partnership in the field of development of biotechnological
productions in Ukraine.

Keywords: public-private partnership, scientific and technical activity, sphere of biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, biotechnological production.

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