Science, technologies, innovations (STI) № 1(1) 2017, 46-54 р


Kuznetsova M. I. — group economist of the Office of Work Coordination on the Financial Stability Department of the National Bank of Ukraine; +38 (044) 521-89-26,
Dubrovina O.O. — PhD in Economics, a deputy head of Economic Strategy of the Macroeconomic Forecast and Economic Policy Department of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine — head of Economic Security, Unshadowing the Economy and Analysis Department; +38 (044) 253-75-
54,; ORCID:


Abstract. It was considered the meaning of “shadow economy”. It was observed the historical aspect of the shadow economy research. It was set out the results of typology of approaches and methods of estimation the shadow economy levels that are used in international and national practice. It was given the shadow economy levels of different countries and Ukraine. It was discovered the importance of non-cash payments as an effective way of fighting against corruption and shadow economy. It was analyzed the state of non-cash payments in Ukraine and factors that cause it.

Keywords:  shadow economy, shadow economy, methods of calculating the level of the shadow economy, unshadowing the economy, non-cash payments.


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