Science, technologies, innovations (STI) № 1(1) 2017, 6-13 р


Malyshev O. V. — PhD in Engineering, Senior Researcher, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 42, Academicа Glushkovа Av., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03187; +38 (050) 445-14-77;; ORCID: 0000-0001-8327-344X


Abstract. The current situation, which has developed in the informatics (cybernetics) around the concept of “information” is characterized by the lack of its clear, universally accepted interpretation (definition). The situation is complicated by the fact that, one way or another, attempts to eliminate this uncertainty require the inclusion in the review of the concept of “knowledge”, for which there is the same, if not most, uncertainty. It should be recognized that the relationship between these concepts traditionally are defined by the paradigm DIKW which, among other things, considers the knowledge as specific information, building a pyramid, where a layer of knowledge reclines on the information layer. “Analytical” part of the article contains a reasoned critique of the pyramid DIKW, resulting in the conclusion of the need to abandon it. The “synthetic” part of the article for the interpretation of the term “knowledge” uses the concept of “embodied knowledge” and “information” is seen solely as a subjective communicative phenomenon, serving the needs of living beings to communicate. Separately the place of traditional “information theory” is shown. As a result, a new pyramid format is proposed, which is free from the shortcomings of the previous, where the knowledge serves as foundation for the information as the superstructure.

Keywords: knowledge, information, DIKW, pyramid, entropy, informatics, cybernetics.


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