Bocharova Yu. G. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named
after Mykhayilo Tugan-Baranovsky, Tramvajna, 16b Str., Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, 50005; +38(050) 636-77-29, +38 (096) 908-31-68;
Abstract. The article presents the conceptual outline of investigation of development process of the innovation infrastructure. Sequence of innovation infrastructure development is defined (planning, creation, exploitation, optimization). Measurements determining the peculiarities of the state and dynamics of the innovation infrastructure’s development under globalization conditions (space, time, material dimension, structural dimension) are determined. The basic principles of the study of innovation infrastructure (scientific validity, the principle of adequate objectivity, the principle of systematics, the principle of representativeness, the principle of integrity, the principle of targeting, the principle of transparency, the principle of empirical optimality, the principle of economic feasibility, the principle of invariance (unification) of the research methodology) are defined as well as the theories forming the scientific basis for the development of innovation infrastructure under globalization conditions. A system of indicators and a methodology for studying the state and features of the development of innovation infrastructure are proposed.
Keywords: innovation infrastructure, methodological principles, development, theories, principles, methods, indicators.
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