Science technology innovation №1(5) 2018, 72-79 p

Kvasha T. К. — head of department, Ukrainian institute of scientific and technical expertise and information, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-26;

Paladchenko O. F. — head of sector, UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-80;

Molchanova I. V. — Senior Research, UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-80;


Abstract. The article is devoted to the transfer of technologies created in 2016 at the expense of budgetary funds as one of the important components of the implementation of Ukraine’s scientific, technical and intellectual potential. The purpose of the work is to study the results of technology transfer, analysis in the context of strategic priority areas of innovation, identify features and problems of the sphere of transfer, develop proposals for their solution. The work was carried out within the framework of the innovation legislation by the method of monitoring on the basis of data of the managers of budgetary funds, which carried out the transfer of technologies created for budgetary funds. The results of the research show that in 2016 technology transfer was effected through their acquisition (40 units) and transfer (1.147 units) at the expense of only a special budget fund. The leader in technology transfer is direction 4 “Technological renewal and development of the agro-industrial complex”, which is the result of the largest volumes of budget financing of this direction in 2016 (74.5%). The latter positions occupy two strategic directions: 5 “Introduction of new technologies and equipment for high-quality medical care, treatment, pharmaceuticals” and 6 “Wide application of cleaner production and environmental protection technologies” (penultimate position by the number of technologies transferred). Such a state of  technology transfer in these two areas is the result of traditionally low budget financing, impedes the creation of an enabling environment for the transfer of technology, the effective use of Ukraine’s scientific, technical and intellectual potential. It was proposed to intensify the transfer of technologies and innovation activities, in particular, on strategic priorities 5 “Introduction of new technologies and equipment for quality medical care, treatment, pharmaceuticals” and 6 “Wide application of cleaner production and environmental protection technologies”, further considering the main administrators budget funds of these priority areas in determining the subject of scientific research and scientific-technical (experimental) development and public spruce programs and individual innovation projects.

Keywords: development, innovative activity, technology transfer, priority directions, budget funds, problems, proposals.

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