Science technology innovation №1(5) 2018, 62-71 p

Androshchuk H. O. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Chief Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Legal Support of Science and Technology Research, Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Intellectual Property, 11, Kazуmirа Malevуchа Str., Bldg. 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 200-08-76;


Abstract. The paper examines the features of the world arms market and military equipment, the place of Ukraine in the global arms export. The analysis of the scientific and technical potential of the industry, the state and trends in the development of technology transfer in the defense-industrial complex of the state is
carried out. The values of intellectual property in it, the role of the state in the promotion and development of technology transfer are defined. The system of intellectual property protection, dynamics of inventive and patent activity in the defense industry complex, peculiarities of patenting of inventions in foreign states are analyzed. Negative trends in the sphere of production, turnover and use of inventions in Ukraine, their influence on the technological and economic security of the state were revealed. Measures are proposed to solve existing problems. It is shown that the international transfer of technology in the military-technical sphere is one of the vectors of innovative development of the national economy.

Keywords: inventive activity, economic security, weapon, technology transfer, intellectual property, patenting.

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