Science technology innovation №1(5) 2018, 13-22 p

Havrys T. V. — Senior Researcher of Ukrainian Institute for Scientific Technical Expertise and Information, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-07;


Abstract. Ensuring sustainable economic growth is largely determined by the use of the latest advances in research and development. The tendencies in the development of the modern world economy demonstrate the orientation of the governmental policy for the use of scientific knowledge as the main economical resource. The full use of the potential of science in the process of technological modernization of the economy is an urgent problem for Ukraine. Therefore, the systematic monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of scientific and technical developments, created at the expense of the state budget, becomes of especially urgent. The article presents the results of an author’s research on the state of obtaining scientific production in 2013 and the implementation of their research results and developments during 2013-2016.

Keywords: implementation of scientific (scientific and technical) products, budget financing of R&D, dynamics of implementation.

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