Androshchuk H. O. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Chief Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Legal Support of Science and Technology Research, Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Intellectual Property, 11, Kazуmirа Malevуchа Str., Bldg. 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 200-08-76;
Rabotiahova L. I. — Head of the Patent Law Branch of the Industrial Property Department Research, Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine intellectual property, 11, Kazуmirа Malevуchа Str., Bldg. 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 200-08-76;
Abstract. The economic and legal problems of efficiency of the functioning of the US patent system are analyzed: the genesis, analysis, recent developments and trends in the development of the US patent system, peculiarities of patent law reform, and the adoption of the Law on Patent Reform “Leahy-Smith America Invents Act”. American society pays much attention to the development of the creative activity of the population and the protection of its results. A patent is an effective means of protecting investments in research and development (R & D), protecting the rights of inventors, protecting the patent holder from unfair competition. A key aspect of the adopted Law on Patent Reform is its international harmonization, which makes the process of filing applications for inventions, conducting their expertise more consistent with patent offices of other countries. Most of the proposed changes bring the US patent system closer to international standards, which is very important for inventors and companies representing world-wide interests. In addition, this law creates new mechanisms for the protection of patents and applications in the patent office in an administrative order. The legislative changes related to the activities of the patent office, financing, fees, accelerated examination of applications, the Chamber for Patent Disputes and Appeals, new procedures for challenging the validity of issued patents, the dynamics of court cases and statistics of patent disputes in the courts of the country are analyzed. Problems of patent trolling and legislative initiatives to counter their negative activities, as well as other issues related to the reform of the American patent system, are highlighted. It is emphasized that the patent system should stimulate the industry to develop new technologies that promote economic growth and create jobs throughout the country, including protecting the rights of small businesses and inventors from predatory policies that could impede the creation of innovations.
Keywords: inventor, innovation, fee, patent system, accelerated examination, patent trolling, promotion.
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