Science technology innovation №2(10) 2019, 15-22 р

Zhukovych I. A. – PhD in Economics, Leading Researcher of the State Institution “Center for Assessment of the Activities of Scientific Institutions and Scientific Support for the Development of Regions of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, 54, Volodymyrska, Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01031; +38 (044) 239-67-91;

Yehorov I. Yu. — Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Head of Department, Institute of Economics and Forecasting, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 26, Panas Mirnyi Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011; +38 (044) 280-14-02;; ORCID:


Abstract. In the absence of a generally accepted system of indicators for assessing the activities of scientific institutions, this problem is relevant. The article discusses the methodology for constructing an international rating of scientific institutions depending on the level of effectiveness of their scientific activities (Scimago), and also considers its use for evaluating the activities of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Article deals with the outcomes of Scimago rating for the institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2018. According to the results of the rating, the scientific institutions of different countries, which are scientific leaders, as well as the position of scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine, are determined. The results of the Scimago 2018 rating are compared with the results of the national assessment of the NAS of Ukraine, conducted in line with the new methodology for assessing the effectiveness of scientific institutions of NAS. It is proved that even the results of bibliometric studies based on popular and approved Scimago-type methods do not provide a definitive understanding of the institution’s activities. At the same time, the results of the rating can be used in conducting national assessments and to confirm the validity of funding institutions. With the correct interpretation, they provide an opportunity to determine the qualitative contribution of the scientific activity of an institution to the development of its industry and science as a whole.

Keywords: scientific institution, scientific and technical activities, assessment, efficiency of scientific activities, the composite indexes, rating, part of Scimago Institution Rankings (SIR).


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