Problems of scientific and technological activities
Bereznіak N.V. European Smart Specialisation Platform is a new opportunity for innovation in Ukraine — 3–7 PDF
Kvasha T.K., Paladchenko O.F., Molchanova I.V. Innovative activities in the regions: priority areas and features of their implementation — 8–14 PDF
Kiryukhin M.M., Parkhomenko V.D. Science literacy as the tool for surviving in the changing world — 15–19 PDF
Innovative economy
Alieva Vyusalya Safar kyzy Іmpact of economic factors on the consumption of the population — 20–23 PDF
Balanchuk I.S. Construction of innovation system in the people’s Republic of China — 23–35 PDF
Intellectual property
Androshchuk H.O., Rabotiahova L.I. Problems of patenting inventions in the pharmaceutical industry: the economic and legal aspect (Part II) — 36–47 PDF
Informational technologies
Abdulova A.A. Influence of information technologies on the human resources management on the example of Azerbaijan enterprises and banks — 48–56 PDF
Kuranda T.K., Kochetkova O.P., Osadcha A.B. Scientific monitoring of the priority area of science and technology development «Information and communication technologies» — 57–69 PDF