Science technology innovation №3(7) 2018, 55-61 p


Senchenko V. V. — PhD in Engineering, Senior Researcher of Dobrov Institute for S&T Potential and Science History Studies of NAS of Ukraine, 60, Shevchenko Blvd, 01032, Kуіv, Ukraine; +38(044) 236-99-43;
Soloviov V. P. — Doctor of Science in Economics, PhD in Engineering, Professor, Deputy Director of Dobrov Institute for S&T Potential and Science History Studies of NAS of Ukraine, 60, Shevchenko Blvd, 01032, Kiev, Ukraine; +38(044) 486-63-54;


Abstract. The analysis of possibilities of concept employment of a four-point spiral is carried out. The relevance of the research topic is conditioned by the growing role of society in creation and promotion of innovative products. In this regard, the formation of new channels for the transfer of requests from consumers of innovative products to applied science are analyzed. The concept of a four-point spiral expands the known paradigm of the triple spiral. Along with science, industry and the state, society plays important role in the innovation process. The core of the fourth spiral in this model is consumers of innovative products. This model stimulates the creation of innovations expected by consumers. The article analyzes trends in the development of innovations initiated by consumers of innovative products. Inclusion in the process of innovation development of the economy of the fourth player — public organizations — is proposed to be considered as the formation of the network structure of innovators. The role of virtual communities as a powerful tool for aggregating new knowledge and experience of clients, integrating them into the corporate system for making strategic decisions is considered. The use of such tools carries great potential, provided that producers are able to optimally integrate the real needs of consumers into technological innovation. Virtual cooperation in the scientific sphere is of special importance. Virtual network structures (VNS), as a scientific and practical direction, require the creation of new concepts, scientific ideas and tools. Their creation is closely connected with cybernetics, network technologies, modern sections of applied mathematics, economic theory and psychology. The theory and practice of VNS is based on modern economic theory, system analysis and operations research, optimization methods, and intelligent information technologies. The expediency of using virtual network structures as a human-machine interface with regard to the transformation of formalized knowledge into the parameters of management of the production function is shown.

Keywords: four-point spiral, user function, human-machine interface, channels for transferring requests to applied science, virtual network structures, diffusion and innovationю

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