Androshchuk H. O. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Chief Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Legal Support of Science and Technology Research, Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Intellectual Property, 11, Kazуmirа Malevуchа Str., Bldg. 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 200-08-76;
Abstract. Economic and legal analysis of the state and trends in the development of economic espionage and protection of IP objects in the process of international scientific and technical cooperation and technology transfer are carried out. The role of the state, intelligence services and enterprise management in countering economic espionage is shown (by the example of the USA). The role of trade secrets in international competition as intellectual capital, the basis for preserving the results of innovation activity and competitive advantages in the market are considered. The examples of investigation of high-profile cases on economic espionage in recent years are given. It is concluded that most of the theft of commercial secrets (more than 90% of cases) is carried out by insiders. A number of preventive measures to protect commercial secrets are proposed.
Keywords: economic espionage, intellectual property, commercial secret, cyber espionage, unfair competition, industrial espionage, national security, insider.
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