Reva O. M. — Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Head of department, National Aviation University, 1, Kosmonavtа Komarova Av., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine;
Kamyshyn V. V. — Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Corresponding member of the NAES of Ukraine, director of Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, 180, Antonovуchа Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-10
Abstract. A special universal role of expert procedures in a decision-making process and functioning of humanistic systems has been obtained. By methods of fuzzy mathematics, a qualitative scale for assessing the competence of experts has been developed and proposed. The scale is a term-set of the linguistic variable “Expert competence level” and covers five terms: “very high”, “high”, “average (normal)”, “low”, “very low”. Using mathematical method of prioritization, which is also called as “the task of the leader”, defuzzification of linguistic assessments of expert competence levels was carried out. This happens through providing them with appropriate, non-linearly changing “weighted” coefficients of desirability. A comparative analysis of the general methodology of aggregation of particular indicators of competency levels into an integrative (integral) assessment, which alone is inherent in the system property of emergence, is carried out. The choice of the multiplicative approach to the aggregation of private competency assessments is justified, which, unlike the additive one, allows only partial compensation of small values of some indicators of competence levels by large values for others. An example of the effectiveness of the multiplicative approach is given. It is proved that the implementation of the proposed procedures makes it possible to avoid statistical errors of the І–ІІ kind when the evaluation of real competence is either underestimated (error of the first kind) or overestimated (error of the second kind).
Keywords: expert procedures, expert competence, qualitative measurement scale, linguistic variable, defuzzification, desirability coefficients, multiplicative aggregation.
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