Author guidelines

Articles are accepted for publication in Ukrainian, English. The authors of the materials are responsible for the reliability of the data provided.
The editorial board may not share the opinions of the authors set forth in the articles. In the case of reprints of materials, a reference to the journal “Science, Technology, Innovation” is required.
The original articles not published in other publications are accepted. Materials should correspond to the subjects of the journal. Articles that do not meet these requirements do not published, the manuscripts do not returned to the authors.

The last page of the article should confirm the originality of the research:

I(we), the author(s) of the manuscript “______”, transfer to the founders and the editorial board of the journal Science, Technology, Innovations the right to publish this manuscript in Ukrainian (Russian) and (or) translated into English. I(we) confirm (that) this publication does not affect the copyright of other persons or organizations and the principles of scientific ethics, has not been published anywhere before and not presented in other publications. The author(s) authorize the publisher to edit, publish and distribute the article in unlimited circulation in any form and format.

Author’s signature (s): ____________________ (Full name, date, address, phone, e-mail)

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The editorial board follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics, and relies on the valuable experience of authoritative international journals and publishers. In particular, this implies compliance with the following recommendations:

Responsibilities of Authors

– ensure that the results of the research, stated in the manuscript, is independent and original work
– when using fragments of other people’s work and/or borrowing the statements of other authors, the article should contain appropriate bibliographic references with the obligatory indication of the author and the source
– excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including citations, paraphrasing or appropriation of the rights to the results of foreign research are unethical and unacceptable actions
– provide the original manuscript that was not sent to another journal and is not currently under consideration, has not been published. Non-adhere of this principle is regarded as a gross violation of the ethics of publications and gives grounds for withdrawing an article from a review
– to guarantee the correct composition of the list of co-authors of the work.

Ethical principles in the activity of reviewer:

– expert evaluation should help the author to improve the quality of the text of the article, and the Chief Editor to make a decision on publication
– reviewer cannot be an author or a co-author of the work under consideration.

Principles of professional ethics in the work of the editorial board:

– when making a decision on publication, the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal is guided by the reliability of the data presented and the scientific significance of the work in question
– the Chief Editor is responsible for deciding which articles will be accepted for publication and which ones are rejected
– the Chief Editor should not allow publication of information, if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarism.

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Terms of publication in the journal

1. The cost of one page publishing is 70 UAH (1 page = 1800 printed characters with spaces). The publication fee covers the costs of editing and making up of the articles.

2. Payment will be done after decision of the editorial board on publication of the submitted article. The article and the review of the article from a scientific expert, certified by a seal of the organization, are sent to e-mail: A review is required. You can contact the editorial office by phone: +38 (044) 521-00-32, 521-00-39.

3. Subject to the positive decision of the editorial board, the author will be informed of the result and the amount for payment. Then an agreement is concluded for the provision of services for the publication of an article in two copies having equal legal force, one for each Party.

4. Bank account details for payment:
Recipient: State Scientific Institution UkrISTEI
Code of the recipient (Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine): 40814998
IBAN: UA518201720313201001201097044
Purpose of payment: for publishing the article in “STI”, indicate the names and initials of the authors of the article.

5. A copy of the payment document for the publication of the article and (if necessary, purchase) copies of the journal, please send it to the e-mail of the journal:

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The article should meet the requirements for writing scientific research, which can be reflected in such headings:
Statement of the problem (research objective);
Analysis of used publications;
Presentation of the main material;

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Requirements for the content and design of articles

We consider articles with an average volume of 15-25 thousand characters. The submitted material must include:
– name (no more than 7-10 words)
– a summary of at least 1800 characters, including 5-10 keywords. The abstract is submitted in Ukrainian,  English
– to compile a bibliographic description of the Roman alphabet, the journal uses the APA standard – the American Psychological Association
– information about the authors. Should be indicated: family name, first name, second name, place of work and position or name of the educational institution (for students), work address, work phone number, e-mail of all authors; ORCID or ResearcherID. For transliteration of proper names, use Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 55 dated of January 27, 2010 “On the Ordering of the Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet in Latin”. Information about the authors is given in Ukrainian, English

To issue an article, use the Sample

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Layout technical requirements

The article should be written in text editor Word: the file type of the article is .doc; font Times New Roman; font size (size) is 14; line spacing is 1.5. The quotes (“ ”) are used, the apostrophe corresponds to the font Times New Roman (‘), the short dash (–) character is used to denote a dash, and not a hyphen (-) and a long dash (—).

Drawings, graphs, diagrams should be readable, contrast, pale colors should be avoided. Because the log print is black and white, it is better to make drawings, graphics, diagrams in black and white, with shades of gray or using hatching. Data presented in tables, graphs, etc. should not duplicate the results described in the article. The tables, formulas, drawings should be referenced in the text – in parentheses (ex.: figure 1, table 2). The size of the illustrations should not exceed the size of the printed page of the magazine. All symbols must correspond to the current state standards.

Tables are formed in the Word editor in Times New Roman font, 9 size (size). Tables should be numbered (ex.: Table 1) and have a name that is indicated in front of the table in the center.

Figures should have a sequential numbering and name, which is indicated under the graphic image (ex.: Figure 1. …). Diagrams and graphs are created in the Excel program in Times New Roman font, size 10 (size) and inserted into the text. Photographic images must be prepared in the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor or similar (the file formats are .tif, .bmp, .psd, .jpg). The density of such figures should be at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).

Formulas in the text of the article are written using the formula editor Microsoft Equation and are centered. You cannot write one part of the formula in a text form, and another part of the formula in the formula editor. Font sizes are accepted by default for the formula editor, they cannot be changed (do not stretch and do not compress), insert them into tables. The formulas in the article must be numbered. The number is placed at the right of the formula in parentheses. If the formula takes up several lines, then its number is given in the last line.

The list of sources used is compiled in accordance with the current standards for library and publishing, international and state standards, in particular in accordance with State Standard 7.1:2006 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation”. The article must contain references to the sources used, indicated in square brackets.

Author guidelines

Sample design of the article for printing

Agreement on the provision of services for the publication of the article