Vavilina N. I. — Senior Researcher, State Scientific Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03150; +38 (044) 521-00-29;; ORCID: 0000-0002-4861-2810
Charkina O. O. — M. Sc., Kyiv, Ukraine, +38 (098) 298-46-99;; ORCID: 0009-0006-6641-227х
Abstract. New approaches and principles of the quality and effectiveness of science evaluation in accordance with the San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation (DORA) were studied. It was summarized the experience of the world countries in search for the new multiple forms and methods of evaluating the quality of research in conditions of departure from scientometric indicators. Active participation in the search for forms and ways of improving the evaluation of the quality of scientific research and the career growth of scientists is accepted by many movements for evaluation reforms. They offer a variety of evaluation options, resulting in a new field of research that examines the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The lack of standardized approaches and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of science was determined: almost developed countries that carry out full expert evaluation of scientific activity have certain differences. They depend on the level of economic, geographical and historical development, mental characteristics, etc. It was noted that certain elements of this experience are interesting for the domestic practice of science assessment: it is expedient to carry out an examination of the impact of scientific research on the socio-economic development of Ukraine. The conditions and principles of conducting an objective assessment of the results of scientific research in Ukraine have been determined. One of the main places among them is the principle of academic integrity.
Keywords: Quality of scientific research, assessment reform, impact indicators, expert assessment of quality, effectiveness of science, effectiveness of assessment methods.
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