Science, Technologies, Innovations №4(32) 2024, 54-61 р.

Kovalenko O. I. — PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher, State Scientific Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, 03150; +38 (050) 387-50-23;


Abstract. The study analyzes the environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine, emphasizing that the hostilities have exacerbated existing environmental challenges, including pollution and loss of biodiversity. The war has resulted in the destruction of natural landscapes, deterioration of water quality and soil degradation, and has exacerbated food security issues. As of mid-2024, total environmental damage is estimated at over UAH 2.4 trillion. The hostilities have affected not only Ukraine but also the global level, threatening the achievement of sustainable development goals.
In this context, it is particularly important to emphasize the need for scientific and innovative support for the environmental sector to overcome the consequences of the war. The use of science and innovation can provide effective solutions to the environmental challenges facing the country.

Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, sustainable development, environmental crisis, water resources, pollution, natural resources, war, scientific activity, recovery, environmental sustainability, humanitarian issues, green agenda, critical infrastructure, biodiversity.


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