Parkhomenko V. D. — D. Sc. in Engineering, Professor, Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, Antonovichа Str., 180, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03150; +38 (044)521-00-45; iiv1director@; ORCID 0000-0001-5468-846X
Lazarenko V. V. — Student, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kioto Str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156; +38 (095) 246-23-02;
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a big shock for the global and European economy. For the first time, world economies entered an epidemic crisis, which was not caused by the rules of market mechanisms, but by direct intervention in the work of enterprises related to health, the introduction of prohibitions and restrictions, which negatively affected the activities of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized businesses were affected. As a consequence of this natural phenomenon, nowadays there are practically no international recommendations for overcoming the consequences of the crisis. This fact demonstrated a clear lack of coordinating role of the main players, and, as a result, caused the introduction of unsystematic national response measures. The economic consequences of the impact of the epidemic crisis caused serious problems both on the supply side and on the demand side. The effectiveness of the work of enterprises both at the regional and national levels depend on their management system, especially in crisis situations. That is why the activities of enterprises should be considered together with the management system and the state of the environment. Enterprise activity is an integral function of the socio-economic system, and therefore requires the adaptation of each individual enterprise to the new requirements of the environment, to the corresponding changes, new logic and new principles regarding the functioning of the enterprise in the new conditions of the post-pandemic crisis, and therefore is important and relevant.
Keywords: small and medium-sized business, COVID-19 pandemic, crisis, management, system, war.
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