Androshchuk H. O. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher, Research Institute of Intellectual Property of the Ukrainian National Academy of Law, 11, Kazуmirа Malevуchа Str., 4 Bldg., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 200-08-76;; ORCID: 0000-0003-0781-9740
Kvasha T. K. — Head of Department of Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-74;; ORCID: 0000-0002-1371-3531
Kovalenko O. V. — Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, 12/2, Grushevsky Str., Kyiv, Ukraine; 01008; +38 (067) 404-96-41;; ORCID: 0000-0001-7657-7867
Abstract. The Law of Ukraine “On priority areas of innovation in Ukraine” expires in 2021. Therefore, the question of identifying new innovative priorities has been arosen. Transport and transport infrastructure represent an important part of GDP and jobs, the transformation of the transport sector provides huge business opportunities, and transportation services are necessary for the well-being and quality of life of citizens and the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. Transport infrastructure is a key element of the many United Nations sustainable development goals. Given all the above and the fact that the demand for transport services will constantly grow due to population growth, increased volumes of production and consumption of goods, transport has great chances to be included in the new list of priority areas of scientific and technological development in Ukraine. Therefore, the analysis of the technological development of this sphere is an urgent task of clarifying the future priorities of innovation in the field of transport in Ukraine. In the work the methodology of scientific and technological forecasting has been developed using the patent landscape and intellectual property analytics and on the basis of forecasting and analytical studies. Using this methodology and the Web of Science, Derwent Innovation and PatSnap and the International Patent Classification (IPC) databases, a patent landscape was built and world technological trends of the field under study were determined, in particular, digitalization, electrification, general mobility, autonomy, decarbonization, as well as the need for a new city planning. It is concluded that patent analysis, patent landscape and patent analytics make it possible to develop a forecast of technological changes, in particular for the transport, and the use of two patent databases increases the accuracy of the forecast. The results of the work make it possible to determine the scientific and technological priority areas for the transport system, and for business and innovation politic to respond in time to changes in development directions and conditions for the functioning of transport, take them into account when developing a transport strategy and get potential benefits and minimize the negative consequences of the events encountered and transport will collide.
Keywords: intellectual property analytics, inventions, forecasting, Foresight, technology mapping, patent landscape, patent information, promising technologies.
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