Khymenko Oleg A. — head of the general department of scientific and technical development of the science directorate, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 10, Peremogy aven., Kyiv, 01135, Ukraine; ORCID: 0000-0002-3982-3739;
Yehorov I.Yu. — Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Head of Department, Institute of Economics and Forecasting, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 26, Panas Mirnyi Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011; +38 (044) 280-14-02, +38 (099) 152-47-49;; ORCID: 0000-0002-3829-6383
Abstract. On the basis of generalization of results of researches of management process and decomposition of existing definitions of “management”, “decision”, “management decision” — a number of general provisions are formulated concerning: the process of management and its components, the environment in which it takes place; the subject of management and its subjects of work, features and nature of activity; the object of management; deployment of time and space management process. For consideration of the management process, a three-component model of “action-decision-action*” is proposed, based on three commonly accepted components of the management process: development, adoption and implementation of management decision. Using the model and taking into account the influence of the market on the results of the implementation of management decisions and on the achievement of the set goal, the processes of management of three entrepreneurs for adjustment of production and launching on the market for four years of competitive production were simulated. On the basis of modeling and formulated general provisions, it is emphasized the importance of taking into account the sequence at the time of making a management decision and achieving its intended result, which is proposed to be considered as another feature that must necessarily be present in the definition of “management decision”. The corresponding wording of the definition of “management decision” is given. The features of the classification of management decisions presented in different sources are discussed and the factors that lead to differences are commented. In particular, on the basis of the analysis of the concept of “innovation” as a process, as a result and as a change, the expediency of classifying a management decision as innovative is justified only in retrospect. It is proposed to consider the number of management decisions classified as innovative as an indicator of the development of innovative activity of the entrepreneur. The role of managerial decisions in the higher education system in the development of innovative activity in science-intensive markets is outlined4.
Keywords: innovation, higher education system, science-intensive market, competitiveness, entrepreneur, management process, management decision, modeling, definition, classification, indicator.
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