Science technology innovation №1(9) 2019, 57-69 р


Kuranda T.K. — Head of Department of Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical Expertise and Information, 180, Antonovуcha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-02;

Kochetkova O.P. — Deputy Head of Department of UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovуcha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-29;

Osadcha A.B. — Senior Researcher of UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovуcha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-29;


Abstract. The article presents the results of the author’s study of the area «Information and Communication Technologies», which is one of the six priority areas for the development of science and technology for the period up to 2020. The intensive development of information and communication technologies is a global trend in the formation of the information society. This area plays a decisive role in strengthening the economic and social stability of any country. Monitoring of training of higher scientific qualifications in the priority area of «Information and Communication Technologies» is relevant for Ukraine. The author’s research was carried out on the basis of monitoring the dissertations performed in Ukraine in 2011-2017. Analyzed in detail the training of scientific personnel in the priority area of «Information and Communication Technologies». It is noted that the number of candidates for a scientific degree who defended themselves during the period of study remains very low and does not correspond to the needs of the economy. This leads to a shortage of qualified engineers, designers and scientists in the field of ICT. The analysis made it possible to identify the priority areas most researched by Ukrainian scientists, to identify the main scientific institutions and higher educational institutions that are more active in scientific research in the field of ICT. The results can be used by public authorities and academic institutions in the development of advanced research plans.

Keywords: priority area, information and communication technologies, dissertations, postgraduate students, doctoral students, personnel support.


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