Science technology innovation №1(9) 2019


Kvasha T.K. — head of department Ukrainian institute of scientific and technical expertise and information, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-26;

Paladchenko O.F. — head of sector of UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-80;

Molchanova I.V. — Senior Research of UkrISTEI, 180, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-80;


Abstract. There are the results of the research on innovation activity in the regions of Ukraine according to the priority directions and peculiarities of their implementation are analyzed. Determined that at the regional level, medium-term innovation priorities were not approved. At the same time, innovation activities are carried out within the framework of relevant regional strategies; programs; economic activity of enterprises and organizations (at the expense of their own funds) according to the thematic directions of strategic priorities, medium-term priority directions of innovation activity of the national level, determined by the legislation. It is noted that this is the main feature of innovation activity at the regional level in comparison with the national and sectoral, where the medium-term priorities are approved by the relevant government regulations and annual monitoring of their implementation is carried out. It was investigated that in 2017 financing of innovation activities in the regions was carried out according to the themes of all seven strategic priority areas with a leading position, as in 2016, in the spheres of agroindustrial complex, with a marked increase in the spheres of environmental protection (second position compared with the fourth in 2016); medicine (sixth position instead of the last in 2016) and the least active in the field of transport. At the same time, almost half of regional state administrations do not pay due attention to the implementation of legislation on the implementation of innovation activities in the regional priority areas. The study concluded that the absence of approved medium-term innovation priorities, create the corresponding problems in ensuring the implementation of a unified scientific and technical and innovation policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in particular, in terms of monitoring the implementation of the priority directions of innovation activity at all levels. The authorized bodies of state power are proposed to intensify work on identifying the priority directions of innovation activity at the regional level.

Keywords: regions, innovation activity, regional medium-term priorities, monitoring, financing, creation of technologies, transfer of technology.


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