Science, technologies, innovations (STI) № 2(2) 2017, 36-44 p


Khomenko Iryna — Senior Researcher, Center of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Researches of NAS of Ukraine, 54, Volodymirska Str. Kyiv, Ukraine; +38(044) 239-65-02;

Shakhbazian Karyna — PhD in Jurisprudence, CIPTTR of NAS of Ukraine, 54, Volodymirska Str. Kyiv, Ukraine; +38(044) 239-67-64;; ORCID:


Abstract. The article examines activities and structure of departments, involved in identification, protection of intellectual property rights, accumulation, storage of patent information, which in today’s world is useful and valuable product, as far as given the great competition on the technology market and rapidly increasing level of technology, it is important to develop own technologies and to possess information on the direction of the competition. There is considered practice of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine concerning organization of work on the identification, protection and use of inventions, as well as work on selection of inventions for patenting abroad, preparation of materials for the sale of licenses, inspections on patenting purity et al., which was assigned to the patent offices, patent and licensing departments of
institutions of NAS of Ukraine. Also, there is given an example of US research universities – as far as licensing has given to universities the financial stimulation to bring developments and technologies to the market. In US-universities for commercialization of research results are responsible special centers (Technology Transfer Offices).  Universities began to conduct actively additional researches in order to make
results of basic research more attractive to private investors.

Keywords: scientific developments, inventions, technology transfer offices,

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