Science, technologies, innovations (STI) № 1(1) 2017, 55-62 р


Pivovarov О. А. — Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Rector, State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, 8, Gagarin Av., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005; +38 (0562) 47-46-70;

Dubnytskyi V. I. — Doctor of of Science in Economics, Professor, Professor of Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, SHEI “USUCT”, 8, Gagarin Av., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005; +38 (0562) 47-46-70;

Fedulova S. O. — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, SHEI “USUCT”, 8, Gagarin Av., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005; +38 (0562) 47-46-70;


Abstract. Today, in conditions of growing crisis, many experts agree with their opinions regarding the revival of the basic sectors of the national economy. Modern technological level of the industries in need of updating on innovative and investment principles of sustainable development of the regions. The article presents the conditions for the functioning of water and sewerage utilities as a basic sector of the national economy from the perspective of its investment attractiveness. The industry is presented in all regions, in contrast to others. It does not form development of the regional economy. Water management has a significant impact on other sectors of Ukraine. Operational and technical – economic performance indicators of the companies of water and sewerage utilities of Ukraine are unsatisfactory. The need to replace obsolete equipment, capital repairs of the networks of water pipes is requires significant financial costs that at the present time the company of water and sewerage utilities can carry out only at the expense of revenues for services rendered. The main problem of water supply networks is the uncertainty of funding for necessary expenses. Since the main
source of investment financing is own funds, it is important to ensure financial condition of companies of water and sewerage utilities that are unprofitable today. In recent years, the tariffs for centralized water supply and sanitation for population were reduced. Therefore, they did not cover the costs of water channels for services. Tariffs for water supply and sanitation services must be economically justified. Under such circumstances, in our opinion, it is a good time for the formation of investment and innovative foundations of the development of water and sewerage utilities.
Keywords: investment, basic industry, infrastructure, water and sewerage utilities, tariff.


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