Science, Technologies, Innovations №1(13) 2020, 15-26 p


Balanchuk I. S. — Senior Researcher of State Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”, Antonovicha str., 180, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-09-81;; ORCID: 0000-0002-5179-7350


Abstract. Cosmetics are not a modern invention. Civilization uses substances to change and enhance its appearance, or to emphasize certain features for at least 10,000 years, and possibly for much longer. It is believed that the first to begin using natural ingredients for body decoration were the ancient Egyptians. However, references to facials and body care as well as ways of enhancing appearance are found in the history of Ancient Rome, Normans and Vikings, and even, albeit slightly later, Kievan Rus. Because, naturally, a person has a desire to improve himself, to find new ways of expression in society. And today cosmetics play an important role in shaping modern humans and, as a result, societies around the world. There is a wide range of different cosmetics on the market, all with different combinations of ingredients, different formulations and a completely different manufacturing and packaging process. That is why describing and evaluating all cosmetics is unrealistic and unnecessary. The author suggests in this study to briefly review the history of the origin of the first cosmetics, ways of their use and transformation into a purposeful beauty industry. In addition, the study provides some statistics with information that will help reach the scale of the cosmetic industry in the modern world and identify the leading countries in terms of cosmetics companies, manufacturing and brands in their territory. The situation in the cosmetic industry in Ukraine has its positive and negative sides. A young, independent country has every chance of developing its cosmetic markets, but an immature political system and imperfect legislation are in every way hindering it. However, recent statistics show a steady, albeit slightly slower turnover in the domestic cosmetic market. The innovative component of the domestic cosmetic industry is still practically absent. Although it is hoped that young scientists — mainly students and talented youth — will be able to take the beauty industry to a new level in
our country. This is evidenced by the latest data on new startup projects in the cosmetic and medical industries.

cosmetic industry, innovations, technological advancement, cosmetic brands, beauty-industry.


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