Science, Technologies, Innovations №4(24) 2022, 107-115 p


Ihnatsevych S. P. — PhD of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher of State Scientific Institution “Ukrainian Institute for Scientific Technical Expertise and Information”, Antonovycha Str, 180, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03150;; ORCID: 0000-0002-0401-4325


Abstract. The innovative activity not only gives enterprises the opportunity to increase the amount of income from economic activity. In the long term, the introduction of innovative technologies into production is almost the only way for a business to continue its existence. And the most effective indicator of the emergence and development of innovative technologies is their high potential for commercialization. The article examines the difference between the concepts of “commercialization” and “transfer”, classifies the main problems of commercialization of innovative technologies in Ukraine, examines the experience of Poland in the operation of technological parks in the country and their influence on the level of commercialization of innovative technologies. The advantages and disadvantages of such an approach to increasing the level of commercialization of technologies and whether technological parks are able to solve the main problems of commercialization in Ukraine are emphasized.

Keywords: innovative activity, technology transfer, commercialization, technology parks, foreign experience.


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