Gruzdova T. V. — Junior Researcher at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Panas Mirny str., 26, Kiev, Ukraine, 01011; +38 (044) 280-82-72,+38 (093) 552-17-41;; ORCID 0000-0001-6681-8858
Abstract. Digital transformation of healthcare in many countries around the world is aimed at strengthening the healthcare system with respect to increasing staff shortages, aging of population and increasing number of chronic diseases. Technologies which are used for digitalization of healthcare system include electronic systems that provide electronic storage of patients’ medical data, electronic networks for exchange or transferring of patient data to other medical practitioners and professionals, electronic systems for diagnostic or prescription of drugs, telemedicine (providing health care services remotely), mobile phones and devices (more than 165,000 mobile applications for medical services have been developed), robotics, artificial intelligence and genomics, the scientific area that uses data on human genome to diagnose the disease. Permanent collection, analysis and use of data on patients’ health status can improve the quality and effectiveness of the health care service substantially. A number of indicators has been developed by the European Commission to monitor the level of diffusion and effectiveness of electronic health systems. Some of them are included in the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), which consists of more than 30 indicators for the EU member countries. Getting data on those indicators in Ukraine requires identification of problems of their applications in the Ukrainian economy by the indicators of the Digital Public Services (eHealth) section. Recommendations for solving the identified problems to ensure the effective implementation of electronic systems in the health care of Ukraine were elaborated in the paper.
Keywords: electronic system, healthcare, digital public service indicators, digitalization of healthcare, efficiency of use.
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